Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Luck Be A Lady

"I have always found that memories are most valuable when they are shared with others."

Joseph Tecson

I have, in the past, been given the honorable nickname of "Lucky Luke," a title that perhaps suits me far more appropriately than the alliteration may imply. After having been in the country for India's recent victory in the ICC World Cup just nine months after having been in Spain to witness their triumph in the FIFA World Cup, the lucky star under which I was born is indeed shining brightly. But there is yet another reason for which I am truly a lucky individual, a reason that far outshines the Spanish and Indian victories in all their glory. Her name is Supriya (aka, in LAII, Miss Chhattrapati Lukeji). 

Yesterday evening marked the two year point in our relationship, a significant milestone for an individual who only has 21 years of age. It was two years ago that we attended the formal dance of the Sigma Chi Fraternity at the Beacon Hotel. While I have long since disassociated with that ridiculous, waste of time/life/energy organization, my relationship with Supriya lives on. 

This will be a brief entry, but that is not to insinuate that I take this matter lightly. It is said that no relationship is perfect, and we have certainly had our share of issues. But time and time again, Supriya has managed to see past my numerous faults, and I am completely earnest when I assert that were it not for her nearly infinite patience, we would not have made it this far. Over the past two years, our happy romance has spanned five cities (Mexico City, Washington DC, Chicago, London, Brussels) in four countries, and I look forward to increasing those numbers. 

So, my dear Queen, thank you for putting up with me through the best and the worst. Thank you for getting past the times in which I forget how much our relationship truly means. Thank you for your perpetual support during those stressful, uncertain periods in which it is not clear when we will next be together. The sexual American icon Marylin Monroe once stated: "If you can't handle me at my worst, you definitely don't deserve me at my best." But I think it would be more fair to put it differently, that if you can handle me at my worst, you definitely do deserve me at my best. No true relationship should be one sided, and though I know you to be reserved by nature I am delighted by the insights and observations that you have shared with me over the years. I am truly a lucky individual. 

Tonight I will be interviewed by Mr Bloom, the man in charge at Housing and Dining. Assuming I get the job as Campus Host, it will only be five short weeks until we see each other again. Wish me luck my Queen!

London Eye

Roman Baths


Washington DC

Chicago Botanical Gardens

Chicago Botanical Gardens

Atomium, Brussels

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